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Conferences on financial and strategic trends

Join us for a fascinating conference on the world of finance, hosted by Pascal GUEROUT (EDC 1982)!

This captivating conference will cover

  • Interest rates 📈
  • Financing 💰
  • Business plan 💼

Don't miss this opportunity to propel your online business! Ask your questions during the Q&A session.

Register now!

Wednesday 13 December 2023
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
EDC Paris Business School
146 Rue Montmartre
75002 Paris
Pascal GUEROUT (GF, 1982)

EDC Paris Business School

146 Rue Montmartre
75002 Paris

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Wednesday 13 December 2023
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
EDC Paris Business School
146 Rue Montmartre
75002 Paris
  • 15 registrants
  • Add to my calendar