
What is Force EDC Alumni ?


Our directory is a great search tool and a fantastic vector of communication.

Nearly 18,500 alumni, 80 countries represented and naturally all departments without forgetting the Dom-Tom de France!

Add a panel of incredibly varied professions for a business school!

And what a showcase since many of you have distinguished themselves in their duties and reveal often as atypical and exceptional courses ...


Our goals :

+ Maintaining a close link between the school and its network because obviously the links are interactive: the fame of a school is certainly done by its climb in the rankings of the professional press but also by the number and fame of its Alumni,

+ Maintain an inter-generational link so that live and continues the force of the EDC spirit over the new classes.

Our services :



+ Access to the online directory

+ Access to events

+ Alumni and school news

+ Alumni's special offers

+ Access to various clubs



+ Access to exclusive job offers 

+ Put your CV online

+ Coaching

+ Exclusive events

+ Recruit our students or Alumni



+ Promote your class

+ Engage with the worldwide community

+ Promote your business