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Become a jury of EDC Paris Business School !

06 February 2023 EDC Paris Business School
Viewed 309 times

Dear Alumni,


Like every year, we're gearing up for the competitive entrance exams.

In 2022, over 2,000 interviews were conducted for the on-campus oral exams.

That's why we're particularly counting on you to come and help us assess the 3,000 candidates expected for the start of the new school year in September 2023.

We really do need you to help us make our hearts beat faster!

Come and meet and recruit the students who will make tomorrow's EDC!



  • Campus EDC Paris Business School - 74-80 rue roque de Fillol, 92800 Puteaux
  • April 27 to May 16 inclusive (Monday to Saturday)
  • In-class: 1 day or ½ day on campus
  • Juries: 1 EDC representative + 1 business professional/alumni member
  • 30-minute interviews per candidate
  • Volunteer

First and foremost, we want to know if you're up for it!

Binta PIRAUD, who is in charge of organizing the competition, will let you know how the orals will go.

Once an EDC, always an EDC, a few years later - the roles are reversed: it's your turn to find our future students!

We'd like to thank you warmly for the time you've devoted to your school.

The competitive entrance examination team is at your disposal should you require any further information.

See you soon,

The Force EDC Alumni team

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1 Comment

Olivier BRICHET (PME, 1987)
1 year ago
Je me suis inscrit spontanément lors de la soirée "Galettes des rois" et je souhaiterais avoir le rappel des modalités pratiques comme la confirmation des deux demi-journées auxquelles je participerai.
Merci d'avance pour votre retour.
Cordialement, Olivier

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