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Force EDC Alumni wishes you a happy new year 2024 🎉

01 January 2024 Force EDC Alumni
Viewed 726 times

Dear Alumni,

The entire Board and all the alumni who have worked with us throughout theyear wish you all the best for the New Year!

It's a year of action for our association, with everyone contributing their ideas and bringing the network to life. Many thanks to all our volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible.

A number of events are on the agenda for the new year, starting with the traditional Galette des rois in January, and an excellent conference on the "Expand ETI" Barometer, hosted by Frédéric Dabi, Managing Director of IFOP, and William Hurst, Managing Director of EDC Paris Business School, on February 8.
A year that promises to be rich and full of Alumni encounters!
We would like to thank you for accompanying us throughout 2023, and hope to see you soon.
See you soon,
The Force EDC Alumni team

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