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William SANCE (EDC 2016) Co-founder of Ternair

18 December 2024 Interview
Viewed 174 times

🎯 3 key interview questions to make an impression 🎯

When recruiting, skills alone are not enough: human relations play a crucial role.

That's what William Sance (EDC 2016) Co-founder of Ternair, explains in a captivating interview where he shares 3 essential questions to ask during an interview:

1️⃣ What type of manager? A question that reveals the values and leadership style of your future manager.
2️⃣ Team relations? A way of understanding the atmosphere and cohesion within the group.
3️⃣ Immediate feedback? A bold question that reflects your ability to evolve and your open-mindedness.

William's advice: "90% of recruitments fail for relational reasons, not technical ones. Asking these questions shows that you're projecting yourself and making a real commitment."

👉 Read the full interview :\/3-questions-poser-un-recruteur-pour-faire-la-difference

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