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With Catella Residential, find innovative and high-performance real estate products

15 February 2023 Information
Viewed 233 times

Immersed in a strong real estate culture Claire CIRRI (EDC 2012) has decided to join Catella Residential in 2019. Her mission? To put forward high-performance, innovative real estate products, but above all projects in which she believes.

If you ask her what's the best investment you can make right now, she won't have a ready-made answer, but she does have a soft spot for bare ownership. Little-known to the general public, it offers an optimum balance between financial performance and investment security.

Investing in bare ownership means buying a property at a discount ranging from 30% to 50% of the full-ownership price, on projects starting at €85,000. Another advantage is that, depending on how the transaction is structured, the property will not be included in the tax base for the Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI), and loan interest can be deducted from rental income received elsewhere*.

In return, the lessor acquires a temporary right to use, enjoy and collect rent (also known as "Usufruct") for a fixed period of between 10 and 20 years.

Throughout the usufruct period, the bare owner investor receives no rent, but pays no charges, taxes or duties on the property. They have no management responsibilities and no constraints. As a liquid product, the investor is free to sell or pass on the property to children or grandchildren at any time.

At the end of the usufruct period, the bare owner automatically recovers full ownership of the property, with no costs or formalities. They are then free to rent, sell or occupy the property.

Example: 3-room apartment in Lyon, 15-year dismemberment and 35% discount. Estimated capital on arrival: €478,000 for €249,000 invested.

If you have any questions, please contact Claire CIRRI (EDC 2012) - 06 29 96 94 82 -

Link to our offer: https: //

* Source NB. Art 968 du CGI, loi de finance pour 2018 and NB. Art 31 CGI, BOI-RFPI-BASE-20-80-20170901 n°171

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